Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Part of Kapatirang Kristiyano ng Binangonan, co-founder Pastor Fortunato Gonzal prayed for an outreach and started a Bible study on his house to extend the message of salvation to his local community including his relatives and friends. His ministry in Lunsad started with some chairs placed on their basement and few copies of  hymn book provided for by the KKB Church.

After few years and as the number of attendees rise, Pastor Tato, as everyone had called him, met with the elders and planned to start building a proper worship house. With the land provided by one of his son-in-law, a piece of hand saw and a hammer provided for as gift from his american missionary friend, Mr. Engle, and help from the early church elders, the worship house had been built thus the founding of Lunsad Bible Church in 1983.
By Gods grace, provisions and God-given passion and hardwork of each family of Lunsad Bible Church the number of saved souls had increased that the earlier building can no longer hold number of church members and it it needed to be reconstructed.  
Twenty Eight years later, tree more building reconstruction took place since the church's foundation. Lunsad Bible Church had adopted a newly built Church near Binangonan Public Dumpsite and it was called Malinis Church. 

With a new registered name Binangonan Rizal Bible Church the vision is the Advancement of Gods Kingdom in the whole town of Binangonan.

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